Why Lucia started Prolong?
“I’ve started upcycling while I was working for a fashion retail shop. I was working on a collection of 3 outfits at a time and spending all my savings on brand new fabrics. I was getting paid a minimal wage and spending over £300.00 just on fabrics alone. I’ve started upcycling because it was affordable option without realising that it’s actually solving more problems that fashion industry is responsible for like pollution of water from chemical dyeing, harmful CO2 emissions and damaging soil from chemical pesticides, exploitation,,, the list goes on.
I started feeling a huge responsibility for every single item I made and was surprised that I’ve never been told about Fast Fashion at the College of Applied Arts, where I studied fashion design. Quite frankly, I don’t even think that Fast Fashion was a thing in my teenage years.
As I came across more sustainable messages of this process, I’ve realised that there is much bigger importance of using this method than just the affordable option. Also, reusing what we have is definitely not just sustainable but also very original and offers something unique to every single person."

How and where are the Prolong products made?
I'm working from my home studio in Aberdeen, Scotland. All the products are made out of second hand clothing and redesigned into a brand new pieces.
All the garments and other unwanted items are sourced from the local charity stores in Scotland. They are bought in so you're not only supporting Prolong but also these charity stores which are vital for those in need.
For sewing, I use industrial sewing machine.
I upcycle items such as wetsuits, tents, parachuting cloths, inner bike tubes, etc.

What inspires Lucia to create designs of the products she makes?
I'm mainly inspired by the garments themselves, I like continuing the story of the garment and incorporating the shapes into my designs. I like using some of the features of the garments on the products such as pockets, etc. I also love using appliqué technique which you can see on each bag. For example on the picture above is a tote bag made out of a bomber jacket which had a beautiful tartan fabric. The front pocket is reused from the front panel of the jacket. Horizontal zipper of the bag was a main front opening of the jacket.

What would be Lucia's advice for people who wants to live more sustainably?
We all create impact on Earth in a long term. My advice would be to truly open your eyes to the reality and realise that your actions and choices do matter. Stay curious, always question everything and choose wisely those things in your life that last long. Look into the brands, how transparent they are about the materials, production, labor. Because those areas really tell you if they are just pretending or if they are truly committed. YOUR MONEY IS A VOTING TICKET FOR THE FUTURE YOU WANT TO SEE AND LIVE IN...